Learn Spanish in 3 months
Posted on September 9th, 2013 by nataly in Uncategorized | No Comments »
Samuel was asked in his final interview rounds whether he knows Spanish. He had to confess. Being intelligent, he added, that if given some time, he would speak Spanish as good as Spanish localities. He was confident and that was visible in his attitude.
Samuel got the job offer along with a period of 3months to learn Spanish. The fight was his existing job did not give him enough time to spare for a 45mins classroom session. He was in a fix when his friends told him about this unique opportunity to master the Spanish language in the comforts of his home. He knew it was no magic formula and that he had to put in enough hard work to learn the language proficiently.
His search started and thus he got through this concept of learning the language in as minimum time as 3 months, that too in the assistance of a good teacher in his own home. Samuel was almost amazed to counter through this learning process. The teacher used an approach called “guided imitation”. The approach is divided in to two parts. First part involved the learning of a small amount of material so that the learner can reproduce the language fluently. This takes a bit of time and is helpful. It actually helped Samuel to speak Spanish the way regular Spanish language is used. The process is called “over learning”.
Then came in the next and the final step of learning the language! Samuel found the entire process to be enormously interesting. He was given a disc and there was an English transcript to follow on with what he was hearing. Samuel made it a point to carry the disc wherever he went. To office, gym and coffee chats. He just carried them along and kept on practicing
the language. Admirably he never referred to the transcript wherever he was stuck. Instead, he repeated the last sentence aloud and that gave him the correct sentence to repeat. In addition, he kept on conversing in Spanish to himself and yes in almost “no time” he started speaking the language. Not as a native Spanish speaker, but far ahead than “just a beginner”.
Gradually he started translating everything in Spanish and he discovered that in 6months time he could speak an adept Spanish. He had a new job and there it was hard for the people to believe that Samuel learned the language just few days back.